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I’m Pregnant – Can I Travel Overseas?


The Better Health Channel advises that travelling and flying is often safest during your second trimester. Generally, travelling while pregnant is fine as long as there are no complications and you have your doctor's approval.

Things to Consider:


Pregnancy & Travel Insurance

Most travel insurance companies provide pregnancy cover for women who wish to travel or fly.

In most cases, you won’t be covered for normal pregnancy or childbirth costs while overseas, but you will be covered for specific complications that arise from your pregnancy or birth.

Complications Covered Can Include: 

  • Premature delivery
  • Gestational diabetes or hypertension
  • Pre-eclampsia
  • Excessive vomiting diagnosed as hyperemesis
  • Birth complications such as placental abruption or emergency caesareans
  • Miscarriages or stillbirths

Make sure you check the terms and conditions of your specific policy so that you understand what you are and aren’t covered for in relation to pregnancy and childbirth.

Will you be covered for the full term?

Most travel insurance companies will cover your pregnancy up to 26-28 weeks, while others can provide cover for up to 30 weeks.

There can also be other restrictions on how long you will be covered for depending on:

  • Whether your pregnancy is single or multiple (twins, triplets etc.)
  • Whether you conceived naturally or engaged the use of reproductive services to conceive
  • Whether you have a routine pregnancy or are experiencing complications
  • Any pre-existing complications or conditions before purchasing the travel insurance (which need to be declared this upon application as a pre-existing condition)

Did you know?

Insure&Go is one of the few travel insurance companies in Australia that provides pregnancy travel cover for up to 30 weeks.