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Click here for our travel alert about Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki, Indonesia. 
Due to the current conflict in Ukraine, our policies exclude coverage for any trips to Russia, Ukraine or Belarus. Check out the latest travel alerts here before buying a policy.

Covid-19 Travel Insurance Benefits

Are you looking for travel insurance with coverage for Covid-19 related events? InsureandGo policies provide you with several travel insurance benefits related to Covid-19. We are all excited to travel again and we want to give travellers peace of mind on their next holiday, domestically or overseas. We understand the travel landscape has changed and our travel insurance policies need to account for the new risks that travellers can face. Our Covid-19 travel insurance will give you additional coverage whenever you are ready to explore the world again.

Always visit Smartraveller to understand if your destination is marked as safe to travel. If your destination is marked as a “do not travel” on Smartraveller website, travel insurance coverage is not available. The below content is a summary only, always check the PDS for full details and Target Market Determination to understand if our policies are right for you.

For more information, check the FAQ’s below or visit our help centre here

Overseas policies

Our One-Trip and Cruise policies can cover you for the following benefits, in case your trip is impacted by Covid-19:

  • Overseas medical expenses (Unlimited Coverage in our Silver and Gold policies, not included in our Bare Essentials Policies): We will pay for the necessary and reasonable medical costs incurred outside of Australia as a result of you being medically diagnosed with COVID-19. This includes emergency medical, surgical, hospital, ambulance and repatriation costs where necessary.
  • Cancellation or trip disruption due to Covid-19 ($2,500 maximum coverage in our Silver Policies and $5,000 in our Gold Policies, not included in our Bare Essentials Policies): We will provide cover under this section if the cancellation or amendment of your trip is necessary and unavoidable as a result of:
    • you being medically diagnosed with COVID-19 after you purchase the policy,
    • a close relative being diagnosed with Covid-19 after purchasing the policy and the treating doctor confirms in writing the level of infection is life threatening or
    • a travelling companion being medically diagnosed with Covid-19 after purchasing the policy

We will pay up to the amount shown in the Table of benefits for:

  • travel and accommodation expenses and pre-paid meal expenses which you have paid or have agreed to pay under a contract and which you cannot reasonably recover from any sources;
  • the cost of excursions, tours and activities which you have paid for and which you cannot reasonably recover from any sources;
  • your additional reasonable and necessary travel and accommodation expenses, incurred after departure, that are over and above what you had originally budgeted to pay, where you need to catch-up to your original schedule;

Domestic Policies

Our Single-Trip and Cruise Domestic policies also provide benefits for Covid-19 related events. Medical expenses in Australia are covered by Medicare or Private Health Insurance, so there are no medical benefits related to Covid-19 in our domestic policies. However, we provide coverage for the Cancellation or amendment of your trip if your travel plans are impacted by Covid-19.

  • Cancellation or trip disruption due to Covid-19 ($2,500 maximum coverage in our Silver Policies and $5,000 in our Gold Policies, not included in our Bare Essentials Policies): We will provide cover under this section if the cancellation or amendment of your trip is necessary and unavoidable as a result of:
    • you being medically diagnosed with COVID-19 after you purchase the policy and you are unfit to travel
    • a close relative being diagnosed with Covid-19 after purchasing the policy and the treating doctor confirms in writing the level of infection is life threatening or
    • a travelling companion being medically diagnosed with Covid-19 after purchasing the policy and they are you are unfit to travel

Most Common Questions


Am I covered if I get Covid-19 Overseas?

Our Silver and Gold levels of cover provide benefits for necessary and reasonable medical costs also necessary and unavoidable cancellation or amendment of your trip, related to a diagnosis of COVID-19. See the PDS for the details of what is covered. 

Am I covered for Cancellation if there is a border closure?

Unfortunately our policies exclude any claims arising from border closures, or any other claims relating to any government travel bans, “Do not travel” warnings; or mandatory quarantine or self-isolation requirements related to cross border, region or territory travel.

Can I claim for cancellation if a family member gets Covid-19?

Under the InsureandGo Silver and Gold levels of cover, we will provide coverage if it is necessary and unavoidable for you to cancel or amend your trip if a close relative in Australia is diagnosed with Covid-19 after purchasing the policy and the treating doctor confirms in writing their level of infection is life threatening.

Can I claim for cancellation if a travelling companion gets Covid-19?

Our Silver and Gold levels of cover provide benefits for necessary and unavoidable cancellation or amendment of your trip if your travelling companion is medically diagnosed with COVID-19 after purchasing the policy. See the PDS for the details of what is covered. 

Can I claim for cancellation if I get diagnosed with Covid-19 before going away?

Yes, our Silver and Gold policies provide coverage if it is necessary and unavoidable for you to cancel your trip if you are diagnosed with Covid-19 after purchasing your policy.

Am I covered for quarantine or travel delay if I get Covid-19 while overseas?

Our Gold and Silver policies provide coverage for your reasonable additional travel and accommodation expenses if you are unexpectedly forced into quarantine whilst overseas as a result of being diagnosed with Covid-19. We cannot provide cover if you are forced into quarantine for any other reason other than you being diagnosed with Covid-19.

What should I do if I get diagnosed with Covid-19 while travelling?

If you are diagnosed with Covid-19 while travelling, please contact us on +61293333999 or email Our teams will guide you through the process on what to do and how to submit your claim.