Just how far would you go to make a few bucks? Around the world, these crazy occupations are really how some people make their living.
Bicycle Fisher – Amsterdam
If you’ve ever been to Amsterdam, you know that bikes and cycling are a way of life. And so if a few bikes end up in the canals, who’s to ask questions? Thankfully, the city employs specialised bicycle fishers who are tasked with the job of fishing the stray bikes from the bottom of the canals. If you love both cycling and fishing, apply now!
People Pusher – Japan
Yep, it’s a real paying job. Peak hour on the subway in Japan is so hectic that the network hires oshiya, otherwise known as ‘pushers,’ to help with crowd and boarding control. These guys are required to wear a uniform and as each train closes its doors, their job is to literally push passengers into the carriages and make sure they don’t get stuck between the doors.
Dog Surfing Instructor – Anywhere There Are Waves
Dog surfing instructors can make your canine’s surfing dreams come true. And yes – they teach your dog to surf! They can even, believe it or not, help train and prep your dog for a dog surfing competition. You can generally find these guys anywhere there are waves, but there seem to be lots of dog surfing instructors in California in particular.
Garbage Police – Switzerland
If you ever plan to live in Switzerland, beware the Garbage Police! These four-man teams are expected to roam the streets and catch culprits violating the country’s strict garbage laws – such as taking the rubbish out too early or even dumping it illegally.
Professional Line Waiter – Italy, China, U.S. and more…
All over the world, professional line waiters can be found. If you’re desperate to buy something, from tickets to a new handbag, but don’t want to wait in line, these guys will do it for you for an hourly fee. Other more freelance line waiters might queue up for something and then sell their spot in line for a hefty profit. Not a bad way to make a few dollars!
Golf Ball Diver – Anywhere There’s a Golf Course
If you love golf and adore diving, why not combine your talents and get a job as a golf ball diver? All around the world, these specialised divers are hired to retrieve golf balls from ponds and waterways, usually under murky and dangerous conditions.
Car Guard – Brazil
In Brazil, they’re called ‘cuidacarros’. How do they earn money? By watching your car when you park or leave it somewhere. They’ll keep a close eye on it and make sure it doesn’t get damaged or stolen while you’re gone. Not bad!
Professional Bridesmaid – U.S.
Who needs a real best friend on your wedding day? In the U.S., you can now hire a professional bridesmaid for your special day and receive everything from behind-the-scenes planning assistance and dress-shopping help to having a real girl in a dress by your side on the day. Apparently it’s not so much about faking it, but about being the bride’s right-hand-woman.
Snake Milker – Wherever You Need Venom!
Ever wondered how they get venom out of poisonous snakes to use in hospital vaccines and other medicines? Hello, Snake Milkers! These milkers risk it all to extract venom from the fangs of various snakes – including cobras, vipers and rattlesnakes – before selling it on to laboratories around the world. Let’s just say that getting bitten is just a by-product of the job! Ouch.