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Click here for our travel alert about Mount Lewotobi Laki-Laki, Indonesia. 
Due to the current conflict in Ukraine, our policies exclude coverage for any trips to Russia, Ukraine or Belarus. Check out the latest travel alerts here before buying a policy.


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In an emergency, or if you’re feeling unsafe, call 000.

InsureandGo Domestic and Family Violence Support

Click here to view our Domestic and Family Violence Policy

Domestic and family violence can happen to anyone at any time, regardless of their age, gender, sexual orientation, geographic location, cultural or religious beliefs, or economic status. Domestic and family violence refers to violent, threatening or abusive behaviour by a person towards a current or former family member or partner where the abuser seeks to dominate, coerce or control the other person. Domestic and family violence is not limited to physical harm. It can include emotional, sexual, financial, psychological and economic abuse and social isolation.

At InsureandGo we recognise that domestic and family violence can be complicated, challenging and personal. Every person’s situation is unique and the right actions for you will depend on your individual circumstances. If you are affected by domestic and family violence, we are committed to supporting you through this difficult time.

How We Can Help

At InsureandGo we can help support you by:

  • Helping you set up new insurance policies
  • Ensuring an appropriate and sensitive claims handling process
  • Giving you greater control over how your personal information is shared with third parties;
  • Finding safe ways to communicate with you in light of your circumstances
  • Minimising how often you need to disclose your personal information
  • Assisting to arrange access to financial hardship support
  • Referring you to specialist services

Your Insurance

If you need help with your policy, insurance premiums, or need to make a claim, please contact us at 02 9333 3902. If you already have a claim with us, please contact your claims officer directly.

InsureandGo offers support for financial hardship in those times when your circumstances can make it difficult to meet your financial commitments. If you are experiencing financial hardship, please speak to your claims officer or contact us on 02 9333 3999.

Your Privacy

InsureandGo understands that privacy can be critical to safety in any domestic and family violence situation. We will take care to protect your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Your Safety and Wellbeing

There are a number of services available if you are experiencing domestic and family violence. We have listed below some of these services for you. In an emergency or if you are not feeling safe, always call 000.


Call 1800 737 732
24-hour hotline for anyone who is at risk of domestic and family violence and sexual assault


Call 13 11 14
24-hour crisis support and suicide prevention services. 

Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence

Call 1800 019 123
A dedicated line for Aboriginal victims of crime who would like information on victims’ rights, how to access counselling and financial assistance. 

Relationships Australia

Call 1300 364 277
Community-based not-for-profit organisation providing support groups and counselling on relationships. 

Ageing and Disability Abuse Helpline

Call 1800 628 221
A helpline for abuse, neglect and exploitation of older people and adults with disability. 

National Debt Hotline

Call 1800 007 007
Free financial advice and counselling services on how to get your finances back on track during a difficult time. 

Kids Helpline

Call 1800 551 800
Free private and confidential counselling services for young people aged 5 and 25. 

Mensline Australia

Call 1300 789 978
Free telephone and online support, information and referrals for men with family and relationship concerns. 


Call 1800 184 527
Free and anonymous counselling services and LGBTI relationship support. 

We are bound by the General Insurance Code of Practice. This aims to raise the standards of practice and service in the insurance industry, improve the way claims and complaints are handled and help people better understand how general insurance works.

The insurer of this insurance is:
Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Company Limited
ABN 49 000 525 637,
AFSL 240816
Level 26, 135 King Street, Sydney,
NSW 2000, Australia. 

This insurance is distributed and administered on the insurer’s behalf by the insurer’s authorised representative.

Europ Assistance Australia Pty Ltd
(InsureandGo Travel Insurance)
ACN 140 219 594
Suite 1.04 Level 1, 19 Harris St.
Pyrmont, 2009
Sydney NSW